Creating one corporate culture with StreetwiZe
As a result of our acquisitions in the temporary employment sector, we had to merge Flexpoint Group, VIO Interim and Trace into SD Worx Staffing Solutions. It was not an easy task to blend three corporate cultures into one coherent story, which is why we called in the aid of StreetwiZe. CEO Arnoud Raskin shares his experience:
“When StreetwiZe was requested for this project, we joined forces with Innate Motion. We both carry the B Corp label, so we are on the same page. Innate Motion first conducted an extensive cultural analysis. Together with the Executive Committee, we translated this into an operational approach and then established a unified corporate culture through organisation-wide workshops.”
Defining the B Corp label awarded by B Corporation:
Certified B Corp companies are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. They are required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, communities and the environment. Together, B Corp companies constitute a group of leaders driving the global movement of people using businesses as a force for good.
Great minds think alike
Arnoud Raskin: “This exercise was based on the competency set that we developed with Mobile School, a non-profit with which we have been building mobile schools for homeless children for 15 years. To finance these activities, we founded StreetwiZe.
During our many contacts with children, we noticed that there are winners on the streets all over the world: champions in survival and handling severe crisis situations. We found that they each have these four skills in common.”
“When StreetwiZe was requested for this project, we joined forces with Innate Motion. We both carry the B Corp label, so we are on the same page. Innate Motion first conducted an extensive cultural analysis. Together with the Executive Committee, we translated this into an operational approach and then established a unified corporate culture through organisation-wide workshops.”

Arnoud Raskin: “Significant change within a company often leads to uncertainty or even a feeling of crisis. As a result, these street skills can also make a difference in a business context.
“At SD Worx, positive focus was the main skill we worked on: what is the best place for each employee to invest their time and energy? Instead of looking toward the company for answers, employees themselves identify what they can do. In addition, proactive creativity was also on the programme.
“Thanks to our collaboration, SD Worx kills two birds with one stone: they help their employees grow and develop and they help street children escape from a hopeless situation. After all, the profits of StreetwiZe go entirely to Mobile School. In 2019, we will establish four new mobile schools in Haiti, Togo, Kenya and Lithuania. We thank SD Worx for their contribution to these projects. Along with SD Worx, we believe that CSR is no longer the responsibility of separate departments such as HR and corporate services, but a general business objective that also benefits society.”
Short evaluation of the collaboration by Christophe Petit, CEO of SD Worx Staffing Solutions.