Corporate governance
Corporate governance is an inextricable part of the ‘core’ of our mission. As an organisation, we adhere to the principles prescribed by good corporate governance. In doing so, we abide by the guidelines on the constitution and structure of the administrative bodies, the boardroom style and in mutual interaction. In addition, we fully endorse a number of principles that are typical of SD Worx and the way we operate, at every level. In practical terms, these include an open mindset, dialogue, and a critical but positive attitude. These go hand in hand with a constant focus on ethically responsible entrepreneurship and constructive collaboration.
General assembly
The General Assembly’s main tasks are as follows:- changing the articles of association;
- appointing and dismissing directors and members of the supervisory board and discharging from services rendered;
- approval of the budget (NPO) and annual accounts;
- and profit appropriation (limited company).
Board of directors

Back row, from left to right: Marc Binnemans, Frederik Van Bladel, Patrick De Vos, Jan Van Acoleyen, Dirk Collier, Steven Van Hoorebeke, Koen Van Gerven, Filip Dierckx
Front row, from left to right: Riet Docx, Tea Colaianni, Brigitte Boone
Not in photograph: Michel Delbaere, Els Blaton
The Board of Directors has a strategic and control function and ensures that the company operates with maximum efficiency. In practice, the Board of Directors outlines the mission, strategy and general policies. Decisions concerning organisational structure, reorganisation, cooperation agreements, mergers and take-overs are also part of its remit.
The Board of Directors oversees finances and investments, checks the integrity of financial reporting and monitors internal auditing. The budgets, spending patterns and execution of actual projects in line with strategic objectives are also monitored by the Board, as are the performance, remuneration and evaluation of members of the Executive Committee.
Each year, the Board of Directors compiles a detailed annual report, which outlines the company’s current status, possible risks and future prospects. It highlights actual examples of corporate governance, provides an overview of the financial position and reflects the activities of the Board of Directors and the organisation.
The Board is small enough to promote an efficient decision making process, but large enough to guarantee the necessary experience and knowledge from the various disciplines relevant to the company, safeguarding continuity. SD Worx consequently aims to appoint a minimum of eight and a maximum of twelve directors. The structure of the Board is defined based on the required diversity and complementarity. The Board consists of independent directors, except for the CEO.
Executive Committee

Back row, from left to right: Hector Vermeersch - CFO SD Worx Group (until June 15, 2018), Suhail Khan - CMO SD Worx Group, Doug Sawers - VP SD Worx UK & Ireland (until April 30, 2018), Jean-Luc Barbier - VP SD Worx Global Solutions, Hilde Haems - HR Director SD Worx Group, Tom Wouters - CEO SD Worx Belgium, Steven Van Hoorebeke - CEO SD Worx Group, Eric Janssens - Director SME SD Worx Group
Front row, from left to right: Anne-Marie Cootjans - Director Corporate Services SD Worx Group, Henri Vanroelen - CIO SD Worx Group
Not in photograph: Mark Eger - VP SD Worx Germany, Jeroen Van Erven – CFO SD Worx Group (from June 15, 2018)
The Board of Directors is assisted by three committees: the Audit & Risk Committee, the Strategic Committee and the Remuneration & Appointment Committee. They provide the Board with specific advice to enable it to make well-informed decisions and fulfil its task as a monitoring and control body as successfully as possible.
The Audit & Risk Committee assists the Board of Directors in exercising its auditing role, notably in terms of providing financial information, risk management and compliance, internal audits, internal review systems and external auditing.
Frederik Van Bladel - Chairman, Filip Dierckx, Patrick De Vos and Riet Docx
The Strategic Committee helps the Board of Directors and formulates recommendations regarding the execution of its strategic and controlling responsibility, i.e. the definition of the mission, the values, the strategy, the general policy lines and the long-term objectives of the company, as well as the taking of important strategic decisions such as reorganisations, cooperation agreements, mergers and take-overs. By majority decision, the Strategic Committee has the ability to call on the advice of outside experts and invite them to its meetings, as and when necessary.
Filip Dierckx - Chairman, Els Blaton, Brigitte Boone, Marc Binnemans, Dirk Collier, Patrick De Vos and Riet Docx
The SD Worx Remuneration and Appointment Committee formulates proposals concerning the appointment, remuneration and evaluation of the directors, managing director and executive management, and monitors the market conformity of remuneration. It also deals with all direct questions concerning remuneration and appointments, and sets out the overall remuneration policy.
Dirk Collier - Chairman, Filip Dierckx, Frederik Van Bladel and Jan Van Acoleyen