Letting people spark
Diversity and inclusion
Our ambition is to act as one company and capitalise on our international presence. It is essential that we show respect towards each other, give trust and care. Diversity is the cornerstone of all our corporate value statements. It is the crucial basis for a more creative, agile, and balanced environment where it is fun to work.
Profile SD Worx employees 2021
Number of employees
Female: 60%
Male: 40%
Age groups
Age group | Percentage of employees |
<25 | 6% |
25-29 | 16% |
30-34 | 18% |
35-39 | 16% |
40-44 | 13% |
45-49 | 11% |
50-54 | 9% |
>55 | 12% |
Years of seniority | Percentage of employees |
< 1 year | 20% |
1-5 years | 37% |
6-10 years | 14% |
11-15 years | 13% |
16-20 years | 6% |
21-30 years | 7% |
> 30 years | 4% |
Number of nationalities
Internal mobility
SD Worx Fund and King Baudouin Foundation
Through the SD Worx Fund, established in 1999, SD Worx provides financial and professional support for concrete projects of partner organisations that enable vulnerable people to participate fully in economic life. Since 2020, SD Worx Fund has joined forces with the King Baudouin Foundation.
In 2021, we worked together with: Rising You, YouthStart Belgium, City Pirates Foundation, Mission Locale and DUO for a JOB.
DUO for a JOB
DUO for a JOB connects job-seeking young people with a migrant background with people over 50, who voluntarily offer their professional experience as mentors to guide these young people towards work. The aim is to create a more inclusive labour market. Once a pair has been formed, they meet for at least two hours a week for six months.
Thanks to the support of the SD Worx Fund, the Liège branch was able to put together 106 duos in 2021, and do so despite the difficult conditions caused by corona and the flooding in the region. Across Belgium, the organisation even exceeded its annual target of 900 duos. A total of 930 duos were assembled. The results of the project are very encouraging: after a year, 3 out of 4 mentees have found a job, an internship or education.
Initiatives from SD Worx colleagues in 2021 - a selection
- SD Worx Mauritius donated to the Shelter for Women and Children in Distress Trust Fund and Solidarite St Francois D'Assise. And our colleagues also made an agreement with T1 Diam's for the sponsorship of a new utility vehicle.
- SD Worx Poland supported SZLACHETNA PACZKA, a charity that helps families in need by donating clothes, food, cleaning products, etc.
- Our Nordic colleagues from Aditro donated 8,050 Swedish crowns to Musikhjälpen, an organisation that fights against child labour all over the world. On top of that, Aditro made a Christmas donation to WWF of 50,000 Swedish crowns.
Main sponsorship Team SD Worx
2021 was the first full year for SD Worx as main sponsor of the world's best women's cycling team. Despite the difficult conditions due to Covid measures, the riders put in a top performance with 33 victories.
Gretel Coorevits, PR manager of Team SD Worx: “SD Worx is a European player with world ambitions, and this is reflected in its sponsorship. Team SD Worx is at the top of women's cycling and the team includes riders of ten different nationalities.
There are many similarities between the team and our organisation: we like to take the lead and we value strong teamwork, as well as individual performance. Thanks to the three-year sponsorship, the team has the opportunity to grow sustainably and make longer-term decisions.”
To keep track of Team SD Worx, follow www.teamsdworx.com.
For more information about our ESG efforts,
download our annual ESG report here or at www.sdworx.com/esg.