Mysdworx: towards one single platform to unlock the world of work
When it comes to work matters, people expect the digital user experience that they are used to at home. Our mysdworx app is the perfect solution. In 2021, we prepared the app architecture for rollout in the various SD Worx countries. But our ambitions extend far beyond the familiar core HR functionalities.
One unique UX for core HR
Mysdworx is an intuitive platform for HR, managers and employees to manage their e-payslips, absences, expenses and internal communications via a mobile app. Thanks to this digital interaction, a lot of manual handling is removed from HR administration.
Platform business leader Kim Van Loo: “We are currently turning the mysdworx app into a hub for a number of additional 'world of work' services, on top of core HR functionalities. Those services can be situated within well-being, mobility, benefit management and so on.”
The seeds of a world of work marketplace
The first tests are promising: customer pilot groups demonstrated a great deal of interest in personal benefit and mobility solutions, for example, in a second-hand leasing solution. Kim: “And there is much enthusiasm among potential partners to become part of the world of work ecosystem.”
For example, Kadonation is a partner that focuses on employee happiness by offering the employer the possibility to offer gifts to its workforce in recognition of seniority, a birth, etc.
Kim: “In 2022, we will set up extensive experiments to gain a better idea of the type of services we can add to our world of work marketplace offer. The goal is to create a digital platform with a broad range of services with which our customers can make the difference for their workforce.