#WeSPARKBelonging: demonstrating our dedication to diversity and inclusion
Varied perspectives help to generate better ideas to solve the complex problems of a changing and diverse world. Our ambition is to act as one company and capitalise on our international presence. It is essential that we show respect towards each other, and offer trust and care.
“In February 2021, we launched the campaign #WeSPARKBelonging”, HR project manager Annette Ergenzinger explains. “Our ambition: keeping diversity and inclusion in the spotlight all year long with a range of internal actions and initiatives.”
Informing and raising awareness
“Colleagues submitted videos about what diversity and inclusiveness mean to them and they introduced themselves to each other in a podcast”, Annette continues. “We also organised a quiz to test our ready knowledge on diversity, along with training on unconscious bias and female leadership. Finally, the online Grievance Box was launched allowing people to make suggestions to improve diversity.”
With several internal actions we capitalised on international diversity initiatives, such as International Women's Day (8 March), World Gratitude Day (21 September) and World Solidarity Day (21 December).
Connecting colleagues across countries
From the video sequel 'How do you say hello in your country?'' to international lunches: with several playful actions, special attention was paid to the connection between colleagues and teams in the various SD Worx countries.
Annette: “From the summer onwards, people could also share their favourite recipe with colleagues. As a year-end gift, all colleagues received their personal cookbook that we compiled with these recipes.”
Cultural Exchange Programme for kids
Matching SD Worx employees' children from different countries and cultures is the idea behind the 'Cultural Exchange Programme for kids', and suggested by Edgar Ertel, Payroll Operations at SD Worx. So that they can learn about each other's culture, country and language, and ultimately have fun.
Annette: “In the pilot project, 22 matches were set up, involving colleagues from Belgium and Germany. The first virtual meeting was organised by SD Worx. Afterwards, the children could choose whether or not to keep in touch. Following the success of the pilot edition, this action will be relaunched in 2022 across the entire group.”